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Website Status Checker | Check Your Website Status Instantly

Check whether a website is online or not.

Website Status Checker | Check Your Website Status Instantly

As the name suggests, website status actually refers to the status of your server. The Http or Https answer from your website is used to determine whether something is acceptable or not. If not, there's a chance that your server is down or not responding properly right now.

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How Do You Use a Website Status Checker ?

To monitor the state of a website, Website status Checker is essential. The website's status is indicated as Online or Offline. You may find out the status of your favorite website with our useful tool. It will inform you of the online/offline status of your website's server. Every webmaster should utilize it on a daily basis since it's a very helpful tool.

This utility produces a tabular report. The website is up and running if the status is "200". If it displays "500," a server issue is the reason the website is unavailable.

Step 1: Type the URL into the website's text field to be checked.
Step 2: Make sure you type the entire URL, including the http or https protocol, for any website.
Step 3: You may input up to ten domain names, but each one needs to be on its own line.
Step2: Press the Submit button and hold it there.
Our tool is incredibly quick, easy to use, and precise; it will display results in a matter of seconds.

Website Status Checker's advantages

How quickly a page loads on the website? This is a ranking criterion in turn. One aspect in ranking is page load time. Examining their status and response time is crucial. It is a crucial component of a positive user experience.

If you discover that the status is offline when checking, you can act quickly to get it online. It offers the ability to view all of your favorite websites at once. No need to open a different webpage. Since most webmasters employ caching to speed up load times, sometimes webpages go offline and we are not immediately aware of it. If the server is down in this scenario and you visit any page on the website, it's conceivable that your browser displays a specific page and you are unable to identify the issue in advance. However, you may quickly verify the server's status with this utility. It yields precise outcomes.

Status Code 200: This code denotes a good server that is operating as intended.
301: This indicates that a website's address has been permanently shifted to a new location.

302: The server has detected a momentary redirection of the website.
400: It denotes an incorrect request.
401: It stands for unapproved entry.
403: This indicates that you are not authorized to access this page or are not permitted to view it.
This particular page does not exist; there is a 404: Page Not Found error.
410): Comparable to 403.
500: Internal Server Error is what it means. It indicates a downed server.